Performance created by the artist duo Cocktail (Sigrid Stigsdatter and Beck Heiberg)
Cocktail examines the personal playlist, and the meeting between memories and music. They dive into 11 carefully chosen songs connected to a generation and examines what happens when the audience is allowed to choose what they want to see and hear on stage. They link specific performance elements to the various tracks and together with the audience, the dramaturgy is shaped. They select the album, change track, skip or repeat.
With love and dedication to music, the two artists want a conversation about how we can break down the hierarchy of performing arts. They will take the question of what good art is and who is allowed to dictate this for observation.
Cocktail is a new performance group consisting of the two choreographers / performers Sigrid Stigsdatter and Beck Heiberg. Their work is internationally based in Amsterdam, Paris and New York, respectively.
“Performerne er i publikums hænder, men publikum er også i hinandens hænder – og hvordan skal vi nogensinde blive enige om, hvad vi skal se, hvordan, hvornår og hvor længe?...( )... Absolute Cocktail [Arbejdstitel red.] – [er] den lidt mere farverige jukeboks-fætter til Rhythm 0. Pludselig kommer det til at handle om, hvem der vil se dem nøgne. Eller hvem der vil teste grænserne for performancen – hvor langt de vil gå. ”