Blue Swallowings is a solo work by Beck Heiberg, that lies in the intersection of sadness and sensuality, sorrow and sex, pain and pleasure. It's a space that holds their contradictory coexistence without fear or shame. The performance engages two poles of human emotion that provide a visceral connection to the unfiltered and intense.
Through repetitive movements, it conjures the physical and emotional experiences that the body undergoes in both grief and desire. As the body moves in harmony with these conflicting emotions, it becomes the meeting point for their fusion, where convulsive cries blend with orgasmic sensations. The body stands alone on the stage against a backdrop of pulsating fluids, containing the melancholy of the music and the carnality of words as it tries to find someone to share its feelings with.
The physical language is a product of queer and trans political aesthetics, which contributes to a nuanced spectrum of representation and challenges traditional notions of performance.
Concept, Choreography and Performance: Beck Heiberg
Sound design: Suzie the Cockroach
Costume design: Dajo Vande Putte
Dramaturgy: Sigrid Stigsdatter
Voice over: Anton Hjejle
Camera: Casper Rudolf Emil Kjeldsen
Photos: Benedicte Ramfjord
Big thanks to Dansehallerne, Angelica Stathopoulos, Rose Munk Heiberg, Charlie Laban Trier, Paolo de Gile and Andreas Haglund
“På scenen bliver den triste stemning til forførende og orgastisk udseende pulseringer og råben til musikken, hvorefter Heiberg på alle fire skiftevis svajer frem på armene og krummer sig tilbage på underbenene i repeterende bevægelser osende af nærvær.”
“Blue Swallowings af Beck Heiberg er noget særligt. Beck Heiberg er et stjerneskud af en koreograf og performer, der midt i aftenens program har verdenspremiere på et personligt, sårbart og humoristisk værk om forbindelsen mellem tristhed og forførelse.”